Fentonian Physics

Using weather forecasts to drive better decisions

System Status
Display with Colored Confidence
2-Day Hourly GoCast
10-Day Simple Forecast Prototype
Graphs with Thresholds
Forecast Table Viewer - 10 days - JSONs from GCP
Forecast Table Viewer - 2 days Hourly
WWA Test

Old Links

Forecast Table Viewer - 10 days - GCP
Display with Confidence Percentage
Storm Summary and GoCast (precip amounts and cloud percentages)
Storm Summary and GoCast (precip probabilities and cloud symbols)
Percentile Hourly
Storm Summary and GoCast with Confidence (prototype - loads slow)
NDFD Forecast
SREF All Trends
4 Day Forecasts for Aviation - All Locations
36-Hour NBM Forecasts for Aviation
10-day NBM Forecasts
Airport Stoplight
34 Day Forecasts by Location - GEFS 2 Database Test
GEFS Percentile Raw
GEFS Percentile Location Corrected
GEFS Percentile Bias-Corrected Raw
SREF Percentile Bias-Corrected Raw
GEFS Percentile Bias and Location Corrected
34 Day Activity Stoplight Forecasts
4 Day Activity Stoplight Forecasts
10 Day Activity Stoplight Forecasts
10 Day Activity Stoplight with Weather Forecasts Matched Percent
10 Day Activity Stoplight with Weather Forecasts
Gocast from Map Selection
Horizontal Prototype Gocast
Expandable Prototype Gocast
GoCast with NWS obs, no WWAs

Old Links

34 Day Forecasts by Location
4 Day Forecasts by Location
4 Day Forecasts for Aviation
10-day NBM Forecasts - Snow
SREF Verification Charts